Effective March 15, 2021: FCC DA 20-1420 Certain Rule Changes to be Implemented in FY2020

FCC Order DA 20-1420 implemented certain rule changes mid-funding year (FY) 2020 that were previously slated for FY2021. The FCC recognizes that making these rules effective mid-FY2020 will provide helpful flexibility to health care providers during the current funding year. Please note, this Order will become effective on March 15, 2021, read more in the Federal Register. The Order accelerates the effective dates of the following rule changes:

  • Extending site and service substitutions to Telecom program applicants 
  • Amending the SPIN change process to allow for corrective and operational changes across both the HCF and Telecom programs 
  • Establishing a service delivery deadline of June 30 while permitting a one-year extension of the service delivery deadline for non-recurring services 
  • Permitting a one-time 120-day invoice filing extension 

To request any of the above actions on your approved FY2020 funding commitment, please email RHC-Assist@usac.org with your Funding Request Number (FRN) and the desired request in the subject line of your email.